Heritage Week
pastimes in past times
19 – 22 February 2025
Heritage Week is a chance for us to highlight the value and importance of heritage in our community. We have lots happening at the Museum to celebrate local heritage as we explore the theme of ‘pastimes in past times’.
Scavenger Hunt starts 15 February for Family Day weekend, continues through Heritage Week: a favourite past time of kids (of all ages) is to play with toys. Visit the museum and see if you can find the toys & games hidden in the exhibits. Find them all and win a prize!
Saturday 22 February
Men’s Shed: we’re launching the Sooke Men’s Shed! A great way to pass the time is to build and tinker in the workshop, sharing and learning new skills, building independent or group projects. Join us for an info meeting to find out how it works. Following this info session, if you’re interested in joining the Men’s Shed will be open on the 3rd Saturday of each month, starting March 2025. (more information about the Sooke Men’s Shed here).
11:00am – 3:00pm
All Sooke Day film screening: full of lots of Sooke pastimes, this film was produced by the Sooke Region Museum and is available on our website and at the museum on a small screen. For Heritage Week we’ll project on a bigger screen in the Events Pavilion. (runtime 29 minutes, repeating)
Moss Cottage: Aunt Tilly will tell you all about how she passes the time at home, circa 1902! Local actor/musician Kat Kadoski will play the role of Aunt Tilly who lived in Moss Cottage in 1902 with her children Harry and Alice. Learn more about Moss Cottage here.
Triangle Island Lighthouse: imagine what it was like to live on Triangle Island in 1910. How did the lightkeepers and their families pass their time at this remote outpost? Lanny Seaton, retired Superintendent of Construction from the Canadian Coast Guard and key player in bringing the lighthouse to the Museum will be at the lighthouse to share insight into ‘lighthouse life’. Learn more about the Triangle Island Lighthouse here.
Looking for a snack? We’ll have hot chocolate, coffee and cookies for sale in the Events Pavilion.

Sooke Region Historical Society Annual General Meeting
Notice of Annual General Meeting of the Sooke Region Historical Society
Saturday 8 March 2025
1:00pm in the Museum Events Pavilion
The business meeting will include review of financial statements for the previous fiscal year ended 31 October 2024, appointment of auditor for 2024-2025 Review Engagement, Reports from the President, Historian, Executive Director, Elections, Membership fee & benefits update and overview of community engagement.
Current members in good standing will receive a notice by mail, including a proxy form in case they cannot attend the meeting in person.