Mailing Address: PO Box 774 Sooke, BC V9Z 1H7 |
Location: 2070 Phillips Rd Sooke, BC V9Z 0Y3 |
PH: 250-642-6351 | Toll-free: 1-866-888-4748 |
Email: info@sookeregionmuseum.com
OPEN 5 days a week (fall/winter hours)
Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 9:30 am–5 pm,
Wed 10 am – 5 pm
summer hours, open 7 days/week, June through August
Since 1981 the Sooke Region Museum has hosted the region’s official Visitor Centre, part of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Arts Visitor Centre network. We serve visitors from around the world with inquiries in person, by mail, email and phone.
Sooke to Port Renfrew is a premier tourism region of Vancouver Island conveniently located near the province’s capital city, Victoria. Each year thousands of visitors come to enjoy recreational opportunities from year-round salt and freshwater fishing, cycling, scuba-diving, windsurfing, kayaking and whale watching to name just a few. We are the gateway to old-growth forests and hiking is a common past-time for people of all abilities. As the Province’s oldest independent settlement, this historic town attracts residents who have developed an excellent arts and crafts community with theatre productions, music, galleries, festivals and the well-known Sooke Fine Arts Show
Explore our historical and cultural connections by browsing our website.
Below are direct links to accommodation and attractions on the Sooke Region Tourism Association website:
Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce
Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce