Community Engagement Project
Request for Proposals

The Sooke Region Museum & Visitor Centre is undertaking a community engagement project to help us better understand how Sooke Region residents and visitors perceive the Sooke Region Museum and envision their museum of the future, including ideas for programs and services that have meaning within the community.

Proponents may submit to either or both of the project deliverables:
Public engagement, consultation, report
Graphic design for print & digital

Interested parties should submit any questions they have PRIOR to proposal deadline.

Anticipated timeline:

23 June – intention to submit, questions about RFP (not required)
15 July – deadline to submit proposals for this RFP

22 July – successful proponents contacted, confirmed
26 July – Notification to unsuccessful proponents
Week of 29 July – Meet with successful proponent(s) to review agreement for service
August 2024 – June 2025 –  Execution of deliverables

Download Request for Proposals (300kb pdf)

Questions?  Contact Michelle Richard, Executive Director.